Friday, December 26, 2008

Mountains Biffy Clyro Piano Tab

Father Christmas is spent in Austria

Finally my Scania came to Austria for Christmas.
My dream takes shape, this is the case say.

Very good holidays to you all.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sentinel Security Usb Dongle

The dream will become reality ...

Here are my future plan mobile home. The Austrian bodybuilder
Action Mobil ( ) currently working in the construction of the cell according to plans discussed at length. When the chassis
Scania it is being finished in a Swedish factory in Austria and should arrive mid-December.
few more months of patience and the main elements realization of my dream will be delivered.
Beautiful European project is not it!

But many pre-requisites are not yet solved:

- I must be able to reach two weeks of freedom to move the license PL. My future home is 26 T, and my job is very demanding especially now,

- I put my camper on sale today, a full garage with HYMER Chassis FIAT that n has not yet found a buyer,

- finally, I must sell my house to finance this dream of TDM (world tour)

In today ' Today I do not know when I finally could leave for my professional occupations are very chrono phage.

I would start my acclimatization to my future nomadic life this summer for a few weeks.

Hoping to see you soon