My new life
Hello everyone, I just
cross France from west to east and germany up in Munich. I've wanted to stop m in this lovely city, or the homepage is rather more fun even for a girl like me who do not speak German. During my few days in the city Flanneries the weather was summer.
J've hit the road for the Austrian Tyrol under a blazing sun, these are beautiful landscapes, the way a visit to Salzburg, a pretty little town, but no homepage camper and cold environments. After some superb walks in the paths Tyrolean, I head to Saalfelden, homeland Action Mobil, to solve a little problem.
What was my surprise this morning to find that it froze last night and this morning a great storm of snow covers the landscape of a very beautiful white coat.
C is nice but driving in these conditions does not m delighted. Action Mobil of that has solved my worries, I would go to Genoa to find a ferry to Tangier, hoping that the roads will be lenient. I have all my time anyway so "piano piano" PS
park in Tyrol is not comfortable with my home, but I manage
Good day