without children, second-class citizens In my previous post
, I spoke with photos of magazine covers in support of the frantic pro-baby bathe in which our Western societies.
Now, let me rise in milk (I have weighed my words carefully before choosing this expression).
At noon, it is by listening
Maisonneuve en direct, a phone-in on Radio-Canada about organ donation that I realized how much we, people without children are citizens of second class, barely large enough to be worth to be saved ..
I summarizes the situation. Some listeners called the radio station to say they are for or against organ donation (I want to say that I do not understand at all how someone could be cons ...) Anyway, between the interventions of auditors, experts explained their views and cited various statements: "Little X had a new liver." "Mr. Y, a father of five children, was able to continue to give love to all his dear enfantss through organ donation," etc., etc., etc..
This leads me to believe that if there is a hierarchy important people in our society, it goes as follows:
1) At the top of the list, there are children, what is more beautiful, innocent and wonderful that a child . Nobody can deny that.
2) Then there are the parents. Why? Because they have children and a child who has only one parent is the piiiiiire things in the world (as evidence \u0026lt;irony> I myself have had only one parent and see what shape I am!).
3) Then there are the important people: movie stars, winners Nobel Prize, who else ...? I see it, I think it's not bad.
4) And, at the bottom of the food chain, it is we non-parents. The company does not care if we live or die anyway because it is i-nu-ti it, you see, because we have no children in our care.
course, that's my interpretation. I'm not trying to say here that would refuse a transplant, but that just about everywhere, in many speeches, shows through the same social fact: people without children are not as important as those who .
It pisses me off, me being seen as a second class citizen, as someone not as good or as special as PARENTS.
Think fast. In a burning apartment there are two people: a non-mother and a mother of three children. You can only save one person, who would you choose? I would be willing to bet that 95% of people (if not more) answer: "But mother, see!" and without hesitation.
So this lack of hesitation that gives me the creeps. Do I not entitled to respect and consideration even though I'm nulliparous?
To illustrate my point, I recommend you visit the Testimonials section
Quebec Transplant to make you feel super good about yourself if you're like me, "useless for survival human ".
Because let's face it, there is only ONE way to be helpful and flourish in life ... is having children.
Remind me, what year is it already? 1952? 1964?