Thursday, October 28, 2010

Green Green Uncensored Online


Although I lack the time and I have not yet had the pleasure of reading them, I wanted to talk about three recent books published recently childfree. I will therefore 3 tickets, reading in the coming days. (To be continued!)

The first of which I speak is an essay entitled Quebec No baby on board Gisele Palancz which is available at Archambault Renaud-Bray and (among other bookstores.)

"For millennia, have children went without saying. It was the fate of women inevitable. at 20 e century, with the dissemination of contraceptive methods and mass population pressures, such certainty been questioned. The West then realized with astonishment that the desire for children is not necessarily innate. The author paints a portrait, very well documented history of motherhood through the ages.
If the question is legitimate today, it is not always well received. Women who can not have children, childless are treated with compassion. Those who choose not to have the childfree Have some right to be treated as a pariah. Social influences to fit the mold of traditional motherhood remains enormous. The prejudices are tenacious, and defend his choice requires a good dose of courage. "

I have not had a chance to read, even if the author was kind enough to send me a copy so I can talk about it, but I promise you that once I have a minute to myself, I submerge myself in reading and you'll make a report.


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