Friday, December 24, 2010

Scx4521f Toner Exsost

I wanted to wish you happy holidays in this period, which can be difficult for many. This time spent with family can also cause anecdotes that only people with a good sense of humor will laugh instead of cry.

I also invite you to tell me some fun facts, fun ... or even shocking and hurtful to you being around friends and family arrived.

(The picture comes From Awkward Family Photo Holiday Photo Contest ... it's worth it!)

Moreover, a journalist recently asked me if childfree loved Christmas. I replied without hesitation that my Christmas, I liked, but everyone had a little opinion on it. Coming from a small family, my wake have always been very quiet, no children running around, screaming, laughing or crying without drunk uncle, without bitter old aunt asked me why I chose an unhappy life without child. In short for me, Christmas is an evening spent with my mother and I love my spouse, to eat small bites, drink lots of bubbles and unwrap gifts. How can we not love it? For me, Christmas is the class is quiet and relaxing.

few years ago, I saw a Christmas cons by typical Quebecois in the family of my spouse, with a dozen people, turkey, a Christmas cake, children, grandparents ... short, the whole shebang. And I was frightened. Even as I had an attack of anxiety, because they have never experienced anything like this before.

So I understand why some childfree like me who have trouble comfortable with children and do not know what to do, may not love the big family party.

I also met other childfree that, even if they do not want children, love their family, children and other Tripente stiff ben (translation for my European readers: great fun).

short, the childfree are divided over Christmas. That is why I invite you to share with me your feelings about the holidays and especially amusing anecdotes (or not) that happened to you in this time of year.

With that, here Best wishes for 2011: that our society gaga for babies a bit disillusioned and understand a child, it can be cute, but it's not a god either, and that our decision not to have children is more understood and therefore we are considered less (e) s and criticized (e) s.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Schwinn Spinning Bicigli Foto

A couple creates a blog decide whether they keep their baby or not

Vanesse Catherine, who worked for a ticket few weeks ago, informed me recently of visiting an American blog called " Birth or Not: Help Us Decide, a Real Abortion Vote "on the blogosphere, where a couple expecting a child asking people to vote whether they should keep it or not. They waited until the deadline in order to have an abortion to give the vote and obey public opinion.

They were high-profile interview on CNN and they brought over a million votes.

I'm not sure what to think of the concept behind this blog. That is, democracy, but I always saw procreation as a choice person l.

I wonder really as to why these Americans have wanted to personalize the debate over abortion rights. They say on their blog:
"Voting year IS Such integral part of American identity. We vote is everything. (...) Why not be voting whether to continue or abort actual year pregnancy? Can Help Your vote has real couple to make a decision after this one. "
is fine in theory. In practice cons, I find it somewhat confining. I end the suspense ... the vote (what a surprise!) voted that they keep the baby ... and so they keep it. What a great reason to have a child!

I am here to say that I find there is excellent reason to have children ... and very shabby aussi.Comment explain to his child when he will ask his parents: "Did you want, you want?" "Well, actually, not really, if people had voted differently, you would have been aborted." Wow!

Moreover, I even wonder if there would be no hidden agenda. Since this blog has been highly publicized in the United States, rather puritanical country and right, I wonder if this blog has not always been pro-life disguised as opinion polls, but with a bias? Who is going to check their votes counted correctly?

I started to ask me when they released the results of the vote and began to denounce the "fraudulent votes" by saying that 99.2% of them were from people who were in favor of abortion. Vlan and in the teeth!

Good ... it looks like I get one of those followers of conspiracies, but n'empêque I can not help but think it may be that there is much more behind this than just a couple blog a bit dumb. ;

And you, what say you? Did you know this blog? And what do you think of the concept of asking people whether we should keep the baby or abort?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Milena Velba The Milk Station

A German film about postpartum depression: The Stranger me.

I want to start this post by apologizing for my absence from the blogosphere in recent weeks. I have been busy meeting people very interesting for my documentary ... and blow my nose repeatedly. Inspired to write brief failed me ...

So I go back to writing to you about a German film Das Fremde in mir (The Stranger in Me ) valued at Cannes in 2008.

I've only seen clips, but I heard many positive reviews in the magazine issue Cinemas on TV5.

A young mother of 32 years feels disconnected from her newborn shortly after birth. Unaided around her, she saw what she thought was a dream as a nightmare sinks into depression and comes to hate this baby invading his space.

I do not know if any of you had the chance to see this movie. The premise seems interesting since this film is about a taboo (and I love it sheds light on the unspoken.) The Stranger in Me seems to talk about motherhood not always easy when having a child can be a nightmare.

Without revealing the end, I understood that everything ended still work out and things are placed. Still, I like to deal with motherhood like something was difficult at times and not what we malheureusemnet too often used to see: parents happy, well rested, living in a house tidy with their newborn calm and smiling, as if having a child that does almost nothing changed.

I love realism (although this is a fiction not a documentary) and it shows things as they really are. Having a child is not always pink! (That's why I admire those who choose to have me and I do not want.)

Here is the trailer German film subtitled in French.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ways To Propel A Toy Boat

An actor of "Mad Men" is displayed anti-birth!

I have not had the chance to listen to this series that everybody talks to me, but reading this article the Huffington Post, I tell myself that I must stop and tell me to go rent Mad Men without further delay.

While the list of actors and actresses who dare to go against the grain by posing without a toddler with them grows, we can not say the same characters childfree!

I am very happy to learn that Vincent Kartheiser does not want to have offspring, but it reminds me that I'm always looking for characters on TV, cinema or that appear in the literature or childfree antinatalist.

In Quebec television series, I can not find one. In the American series either (except for Samantha in Sex and the City , but say I do not identify with this particular woman and extremely rich libertine) and a little mouse told me that "Bones" in the series of the same name that was once a character cold and desire for children has changed her mind. As Dr. Robbins in Arizona Grey's Anatomy .

Like what, yes, it is possible to find childfree celebrities looking good, but in fact when one looks long enough and you can find everything while to find actors and characters with children, n is not even a question of looking, they are obvious.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Congratuating On Engagment

Mom? No thank you! says THANK YOU for all the gifts! Seeking to rent

I wanted to give you news of my patrons call last month. You have been very generous and it makes me very heartwarming, thank you so much!

In one month, you sent me $ 2 885 to help me make my documentary, bought 13 DVDs Mom? No thank you! in advance and given lots of support! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I see now that I have reason to do this documentary because many of you childfree but also parents, want to see this documentary.

Why this documentary is it absolutely necessary today?

Because unfortunately many people still believe that women are made to have children and it is the only true way to achieve in life. If this was not the case, there would be no need to make a film on the subject, so this really worth disparaged. We in the West in 2010 and women still have all the pressure of the world on their shoulders to fit the mold and make babies. And if there were other ways to grow?

I has several women (including me) happy, empowered, in their own skin and not embittered that are neither anti-child or anti-parent, rather, simply anti-idealization of motherhood, anti-conformist and do not claim that only one thing: the right to respect for our choices in life. We respect and love those who choose to have children, we would be respected in return and the social judgments ever!

short: portraits of women (and men in our lives) that make a good life choice not to have children and explained that once and for all to tell you why we are together. A documentary filled with positive humor and reflections on the Status of Women today.

However, I still need help to help me finance it.

My goal is always to raise $ 15 000. Any donation, however small it may be, of great help to me! So please spread the word to everyone you know. It only takes a small email to change the world! Together, we can find 1300 people who want to give a small $ 10 to help me achieve this vision of society.

So do not hesitate and become a sponsor!

What will you in return?

Any donation of $ 24 or less will receive:
· From big, big thanks from me!

All 25 donation $ 49 will receive:
· A copy of my film on DVD or stick memory (optional)
· A big nose on the cheek, a hug, a handshake, a profusion of thanks from me!

Any donation 50 to $ 99 will receive:
· A pair of tickets for Representation of my movie (of your choice, as available: a festival if selected, then for the festival of your choice, if he leaves room for the room that suits you)
· A copy of my film on DVD or memory stick (optional)

Any donation of 100 to $ 499 will receive:

· Your name generic !

· 2 pairs of tickets for a performance of my film ( of your choice, as available: a festival if selected, then for the festival of your choice, if he leaves room for the room that suits you)

· A copy of my film on DVD or memory stick (optional)

· A copy of poster autographed .

· Tears of happiness for me when I announce it!

Target: $ 15 000

Total Earned: $ 2 930
Number of DVDs sold in pre-sale: 14

Monday, November 15, 2010

Velicity Von At Wikipedia

child! The

Collaboration Special Painted Catherine, Belgium.

In a few weeks, it will be the Saint-Nicolas (children's festival in Belgium, which takes place every December 6). A party that does not bother me, especially since it tends to fall by the wayside in favor of Santa Claus. And yes, the year-end bonuses usually falling to December 15, we have more money to spend at Christmas. But whether, Saint-Nicolas is still evident. And my box has not forgotten either.

"Saint-Nicolas awaits all the children of staff this Sunday, December 5. Program, meeting with the great saint, clowns, face painting, tasted, distribution of gift ... The opportunity to spend an enjoyable time with family and colleagues "

Glance with my office colleagues, also childless, I erase the mail, we do not exchange a word. What's the point, for 6 years I worked in this box is like every year.

I do not care about this holiday, but the next day, the mandarins unfortunate that we wait before our computer will still have a bitter taste while all others will discuss the great day the previous day, comparing the gifts and saying that they really have the chance to work for a box believed to families. It is also the day that we must avoid coffee machine, canteen and meeting place for all to avoid all questions of style: "So you did not saw yesterday? How old are you again? It may be time Mettes not you join in ?"...

I should perhaps take leave on December 6? Or I borrow from my sister the same, at least there is one who will be happy!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Fellowes Powershred Ps 50

without children, second-class citizens

In my previous post , I spoke with photos of magazine covers in support of the frantic pro-baby bathe in which our Western societies.

Now, let me rise in milk (I have weighed my words carefully before choosing this expression).

At noon, it is by listening Maisonneuve en direct, a phone-in on Radio-Canada about organ donation that I realized how much we, people without children are citizens of second class, barely large enough to be worth to be saved ..

I summarizes the situation. Some listeners called the radio station to say they are for or against organ donation (I want to say that I do not understand at all how someone could be cons ...) Anyway, between the interventions of auditors, experts explained their views and cited various statements: "Little X had a new liver." "Mr. Y, a father of five children, was able to continue to give love to all his dear enfantss through organ donation," etc., etc., etc..

This leads me to believe that if there is a hierarchy important people in our society, it goes as follows:

1) At the top of the list, there are children, what is more beautiful, innocent and wonderful that a child . Nobody can deny that.

2) Then there are the parents. Why? Because they have children and a child who has only one parent is the piiiiiire things in the world (as evidence \u0026lt;irony> I myself have had only one parent and see what shape I am!).

3) Then there are the important people: movie stars, winners Nobel Prize, who else ...? I see it, I think it's not bad.

4) And, at the bottom of the food chain, it is we non-parents. The company does not care if we live or die anyway because it is i-nu-ti it, you see, because we have no children in our care.

course, that's my interpretation. I'm not trying to say here that would refuse a transplant, but that just about everywhere, in many speeches, shows through the same social fact: people without children are not as important as those who .

It pisses me off, me being seen as a second class citizen, as someone not as good or as special as PARENTS.

Think fast. In a burning apartment there are two people: a non-mother and a mother of three children. You can only save one person, who would you choose? I would be willing to bet that 95% of people (if not more) answer: "But mother, see!" and without hesitation.

So this lack of hesitation that gives me the creeps. Do I not entitled to respect and consideration even though I'm nulliparous?

To illustrate my point, I recommend you visit the Testimonials section Site Quebec Transplant to make you feel super good about yourself if you're like me, "useless for survival human ".

Because let's face it, there is only ONE way to be helpful and flourish in life ... is having children.

Remind me, what year is it already? 1952? 1964?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Birthday In Literature

idealization of motherhood in the media

Great American article (ie English) which I recommend reading. Published in 2006 in the magazine Glamour he decries this mode of pregnancy can be dangerous: Infertile in a Baby-Crazed World .

I have already discussed in previous notes that any idealization of motherhood in the media, but let me deal at greater length here. If you've never paid attention to this media phenomenon, let me help you with some examples of magazine covers that I found on the Internet. And this is just the tip of the iceberg ...

Pour lire la suite de mon long billet et voir tout plein de photos, cliquez sur "Plus d'info" ci-bas:

Alors qu'en est-il des femmes sans enfant dans les médias? « Angelina Jolie adopte son 27e enfant! », titrent les journaux. Une semaine après: « Photos nues de Madonna enceinte ». Plus près de nous, Caroline Néron pose en couverture, the belly ready to burst. The next week we will have to choose: Is it a "baby bump" one sees on Jennifer Lopez? "Britney Spears is expecting her third child. Who is the father? "Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge Mariloup Wolfe and expecting a baby!" The tabloids seem to have set their sights on the reproductive system of stars. This is the mad rush to babies in Quebec as much as Hollywood. But where are the stars who dare to appear childfree?

Not to mention that motherhood according to some is a way to redeem himself. When has-been ex-addicts become mom make the cover of magazines as a model, I have serious questions about the future of our society! When other magazines we suggest to stay lean (not thin!) Lorsqu'enceinte, I think we are far from the feminism of the 70s! And do not tell me about "Octo Mom" ...

media idealize motherhood. Everywhere one sees it. I'll spare you the number of images found on the Internet of pregnant women, beaming, grinning from ear to ear ... (Really, have fun on Google Images!)

What is the last time you recall seeing a woman in her thirties or forties with no children on TV without it being portrayed as a old daughter as a barren woman or sad? Oh, I remember: Samantha in Sex and the Cit y. Indeed, we see no children and most importantly, no desire for children, but we see also caricatured as all children found boring and prefer the pleasure of the flesh for a life more seriously. I doubt that all women not wanting to have children is as frivolous, rich and ... sex than Samantha.

According Isabelle Tilmant, author and psychologist, the notion of maternal love is born in the eighteenth century. Since the establishment of Mother's Day, American invention dating from 1914, many childless women feel excluded by this festival as celebrated. The "showers" for babies and congratulations from all sides are rigor when a woman announces she is pregnant. In the microcosm of family is becoming mother that really becomes an adult. The ads send us images of strong families, happy and terribly idealized who demoralizes more than when she realizes that her family is not as pink as those seen on all advertisements.

dint of positive reinforcement, every woman wants to be a superwoman. It makes us believe that it is possible to have everything: love life, personal development, child (ren), stimulating work, travel, friends, money, being a mom caring and available, lover, sexy and good about yourself, etc.. This stereotype conveyed by many stars (with the help of several nanny, coaches, drivers ...) makes us believe that being a mother means being everything at once and that every woman can be like her. This myth also repelled by some.
For children, we do not ask the question "If you have a child one day, how will it be called?" But "when you have a child, you gonna call it how? "It prepares the next generation to be parents, which is not harmful in itself but provides does one choose alternatives life? That's why I'm doing a documenaire on non-parents, to give hope to many women who see only one possible model: that is to be a mother.

How To Remove Ikea's Wall Mirrors

These women who are childless because they are not green

I am a green the first time. I remember when I was 10-11 years, had even formed a small club environment with my friends (I'll spare you the name of the club said it was a little cheesy ti) and we were asking the director the school to establish a recycling program (it was in the late 80), and during some weekends, me and my friends go clean up some streets are littered with trash.

short, I consider myself a green. I buy local whenever possible, I have no car, I recycle and when I no longer live a 3rd floor, I intend to make my own compost, etc.. etc..

That said, the environment is not the reason behind my desire not to me again. That's part, of course, but I'll be honest, it is rather far in my list of reasons why I do not want to give birth.

(Photo courtesy of the website )

The phenomenon of people who refuse to procreate primarily for intellectual reasons, whether political or environmental, I am intrigued at the highest point . I understand the theory and all their arguments and I agree even in their direction but I can not help but say that having or not a child can be motivated by strong emotions that come from within.

I never (at least yet) met a parent who told me they chose to have children to ensure a future society in which they operate, or ensure that someone replenish coffers and thus enable others to benefit from a pension fund.

It I think we had children because he wants and that does not also because we do not desire. The famous "Call of the uterus" which means that too much talk will still be an impetus from the gut.

Still, as I said earlier, I love reading about all the environmental reasons that if we want to comfort me in my choice never be a mom. And basically, maybe it does that is precisely what happens: we feel guilty. And for once the media help us to return a positive image of our choice, why not enjoy it.

So I selected a few articles on the net that I urge you to read:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Itching And Rash After Brazilian Wax

Elisabeth Badinter New book: The New Conflict

Released earlier in the spring of 2010, said highly of the book Elisabeth Badinter: The Conflict , wife and mother published by Flammarion. Even the English have heard, if we go by this Times article .

This book is available at all major bookstores in Quebec. I have not liked was the chance to read it, but the views of the author greatly interests me because it examines motherhood as a form of bondage.
" The resurgence of naturalism - that is reintroducing the concept of maternal instinct well worn and praised the sacrifices women - is the greatest danger for their emancipation and gender equality.
dint hear that a mother must repeat all to her child, her milk , his time and energy, it is inevitable that more and more women stop at the barrier. Some, indeed, find their full development in motherhood, but most of them will one day calculating pleasures and pains: on one side, an irreplaceable experience, love given and made and the importance of the transmission, on the other, frustration and daily stress, the inevitable conflicts and sometimes the feeling of failure.
While nearly a third of German women are childless, it means they are to be achieved other than motherhood as it is their imposes. For now, the French have escaped this dilemma at all or nothing. They have resisted the edicts of some gurus of Pediatrics. They will head the instructions of maternalist firmly supported by the most respectable institutions? Until when will they impose their desires and their will against the rampant discourse of guilt? "

already so I enjoy the idea to settle in a chair with a cup of tea under a warm blanket and read this book while the snow falls this winter.

Have you read this book? Do you have other recent books to recommend? Your comments and feedback, as always, welcome!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wholesale Buffalo Wings

Isabelle Tilmant book: These women have no children. New books

The second book which I'll talk Vour is a writer and woman I love: Isabelle Tilmant. Released last September, the author tells me that These women have no children: The discovery of another fertility will be available in Quebec in mid-December in all good bookstores.
"This book opens with the nuanced understanding of the multiple experiences of these women. For some, having no child is experiencing felt like a bereavement, or impossible. For others however, recognize the legitimacy of the choice of non-motherhood is part of their quest for power. A desire or not the project or not becoming a mother depend foremost role models of the little girl, this will be the basis of his aspirations future and his own style of femininity.
When the grieving motherhood is unavoidable, it is important for women to open up to the discovery of another fertility, psychic, who will form the basis of a new development.
This book is designed for women and couples who are wondering about the place they wish or not to give parenthood, whether biological or adoptive. Many lines of inquiry will enable them to develop ideas more freely and more personal on this issue. "

Moreover, velveteen staff, BLOQ you are reading right now would even be mentioned among the sites which the author recommends a visit! :)

I look forward to reading it. And you, have you had the chance to browse? What did you think?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Green Green Uncensored Online


Although I lack the time and I have not yet had the pleasure of reading them, I wanted to talk about three recent books published recently childfree. I will therefore 3 tickets, reading in the coming days. (To be continued!)

The first of which I speak is an essay entitled Quebec No baby on board Gisele Palancz which is available at Archambault Renaud-Bray and (among other bookstores.)

"For millennia, have children went without saying. It was the fate of women inevitable. at 20 e century, with the dissemination of contraceptive methods and mass population pressures, such certainty been questioned. The West then realized with astonishment that the desire for children is not necessarily innate. The author paints a portrait, very well documented history of motherhood through the ages.
If the question is legitimate today, it is not always well received. Women who can not have children, childless are treated with compassion. Those who choose not to have the childfree Have some right to be treated as a pariah. Social influences to fit the mold of traditional motherhood remains enormous. The prejudices are tenacious, and defend his choice requires a good dose of courage. "

I have not had a chance to read, even if the author was kind enough to send me a copy so I can talk about it, but I promise you that once I have a minute to myself, I submerge myself in reading and you'll make a report.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Desert Eagle Gold Softar

Segment "childfree" in issuing the French anti-birth

Notice to my French friends, and also to the international (via the Internet) in two days, on 29 October, will be aired on French The Nursery subject childfree.

The show will air on France 5 to 9 pm (France) and available on their website for a week.

Not having obviously not seen it yet, I am unable to say if it is as positive as expected be, but I was interviewed by the journalist who seemed very nice.

You will give me some news!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blood Stool Lump Testicles

Nursery, Denatale, childfree, Malthusian .. what is the word to use? I

Last Wednesday, on the same page as the small snippet of my interview, Log Montreal Metro proposed a story: Strike belly to save the planet.

is the media, they have to be sensational to sell it, but I think the beginning of the article describing a Denatale madman who kills people too do not serve the "cause" if I may say so. We will all take us for madmen ...

That said, I want to specify that many childfree are not Denatale or antinatalist or even Malthusian. But just ... What is the difference?

In my view, a childfree person is someone who does not want a child for personal reasons. (This does not prevent him from power as being anti-birth Denatale or more.)

Well, to date, it's simple ... it gets harder from the other 3 terms. Two are synonymous and the third would be a bad translation?

In Quebec, less is known about Thomas Malthus in Europe. It was a British economist who advocated Denatale before its time, or in the early nineteenth century. That is to say Denatale.

Someone who advocates the population decline, which found that not only the planet suffers from an overflow of people, but it should do less by environmental concerns and economic. Several left-wing politicians in the world are beginning to demand Denatale.

Someone who devalues the contribution moral to have children and find that with less, we would solve many problems on this planet with hunger, overcrowding and declining natural resources. It's not just the same as Denatale that?

My interpretation is that the Malthusian Denatale advocate and a population decline for reasons economic or environmental ... and the term anti-birth would be a layer of English and meant the same as the previous two. But maybe I was wrong too ...

short, although I also think that too many of us on this planet, I do not cite this reason as that explains Why I do not want kids. For me, this is one reason satellite. True, that I say it loud and clear: I do not care just not. End of story.

I'm childfree and proud of it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Kind Of Hair Cut To Give A Mini Schnauzer?

research collaborations Casual

As I am a bit overwhelmed by my work on my film, I did not get to update my blog as often as I would.

is why I thought to look for casual employees. It has often happened in the past that readers leave me long and very interesting comments on previous posts. It might even be full of banknotes.
Then notice to those who want to communicate a story, a slice of life, anecdote, recrimination, or tell me about a news event, to social debate ... all subjects or related childfree are welcome!

Send me your submissions to: . They need not be very long, between 200 and 750 words. I reserve the right to modify a little for form and I will publish them under your name (unless you wish to remain anonymous.)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sheriff's Deed Is There Title Insurance

My uterus is it public?

What I do not understand, and maybe can you help me find the answer, so my fertility is to public interest?

Why does it want people to know if I plan to have an offspring? And more importantly, why are they trying to convince me that I am wrong not to blame?

How my uterus and all adjacent parts are they now talk about matters and to be judged? Our bowels should they not remain in the private sphere, being at heart the deepest level? Let us a little discomfort, please!

Personally, I do not care to know which breeds and when he intends to do so. If you want to have children and you do, more power to you. I am careful to ask your reasons. Why did not I receive the same treatment?

In a pinch, I, I'm quite open and militant for the cause of the right to respect for childfree, I may say so out loud as much about the Internet than in person. But not everyone feels comfortable discussing her hormones, desires, and fertility.

not forget that the eternal question: "Do you have children?" some would like, but can not. Should they be discussed in great length with the first comer? Perhaps, if they wish. But for some, the injury is serious. That you understand, being childless whereas we want is a serious misfortune. By

cons to say we do not want is to be seen as an outcast of society and so we must be justified, it goes without saying, of course ... And if you do not want to talk about us either, our reasons? No, we can not. We must educate. Be always available to explain calmly to the other that we exist, that we are not sick or frustrated or injured or defective ... We can not, we do a selfish act (to return to one of my previous posts ) and simply say: "It's none of your business."

Finally, if we may, but then there we are seen as old embittered and therefore it "deserves" this misunderstanding of our situation. Like what we are still far from the equity between people who want to have children and those who do not want.

Ralala ... Maybe I'm a little pessimistic in these autumn days ...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cute Sayings To Write

Fire my blog, long live the new

Monday, January 25, 2010

Get Rid Of Gallbladder Polyps


For 2010, the blog is a facelift ...

now visit the site

you soon

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sepsis Abscess Of Tooth

Top of the Pop up

In 2009 we have seen the proliferation pop up store, the English word ("pop up" relief and "store": shop) that comes from children's books in which the image unfolds in three dimensions. It means stores ephemeral phenomenon born in the United States and Canada. In 2010, fashion pop up stores "is likely to persist and develop, as it could be one of the remedies to the crisis. Alongside the local shops, the retail and Internet sales, it will henceforth reckon with this new distribution format.

A new distribution channel

" distribution needs to renew itself constantly and the ephemeral store is one of these alternatives with respect to this lack of differentiation and the need renewal " says Francoise Sackrider, a professor at the Institute of French fashion.

The pop up can also be a way for a brand to test a plan to open shop without taking any risks. For example, before embarking on a new foreign city, the clothing label Comme des Garcons always opens a shop for a month.

More recently, eBay installed a pop-up of 550 m2 in the heart of Manhattan (12 are planned throughout the U.S.)

A business opportunity

The pop up stores "are much less expensive than store final and can make the most of the effect of surprise. These shops may also be related to a seasonal peak sales. For example, pop-up stores in the U.S., can fill empty spaces in malls, the Christmas holiday season.

Thus, the toy teaches Toy's R Us has long used the pop up stores "in the United States to boost sales at Christmas time. The group now accepts the concept of "Toy's R Us Express in France: it opened on November 5 the first point of sale instant 700 sqm in the mall Boissénart, Seine-et-Marne (77 ).

popup The hotel consists of a structure that can fit anywhere. His goal: to provide greater housing capacity lorqu'il is an event such as a music festival, a sporting championship ...

A place to create the event

ephemeral shops offer during a product launch or a limited edition, a design at the event.
Open once a month, Pop Up Store - Oberkampf is an event where fashion, design, decoration, cosmetics, visual animations, live performances and unusual objects are mixed. Next meeting on 30 and 31 January 2010.

In another trend Pop Up (book) now applies to other communication media:

To introduce their new jeans collection at the Belgian press and Dutch Levi's and communications agency Belgian Mortierbrigade imagined a cardboard pop-ups that unfolds into a dresser with three drawers, closing new jeans brand.

Designed by Viennese artists and Liddy Scheffknecht Armin B. Wagner, a concept office Pop up cardboard unfolds in the manner of animated books.

To promote the new spray deodorant Ambi Pur "Pink Flower", the agency Jung von Matt AG, Stuttgart has installed a giant pop-up behind toilet doors public in four different cities.

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