parallel retailtainment with the development of its stores' shows, "we are witnessing the emergence of new" sellers "who no longer hesitate to play the 'GO' Club Med way to create more entertainment and foster customer relationships.
Apple Store
Vendors come to encourage those waiting in the street during the opening of the flagship store in Paris. In addition, they reserve for customers, a home with an honor guard at the entrance of the store.

Miscrosoft store
On a music Blackeyed Peas employees of Microsoft Store in Mission Viejo, California will begin to dance in the middle of the clients seem to enjoy the benefit.
Abercrombie & Fitch
brand of ready to wear transforms its stores in nightclubs (some light and loud music). Sellers who are not in crates dance on house music. Customers can also have their souvenir photo with the mannequin at the entrance.

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