Saturday, December 11, 2010

Schwinn Spinning Bicigli Foto

A couple creates a blog decide whether they keep their baby or not

Vanesse Catherine, who worked for a ticket few weeks ago, informed me recently of visiting an American blog called " Birth or Not: Help Us Decide, a Real Abortion Vote "on the blogosphere, where a couple expecting a child asking people to vote whether they should keep it or not. They waited until the deadline in order to have an abortion to give the vote and obey public opinion.

They were high-profile interview on CNN and they brought over a million votes.

I'm not sure what to think of the concept behind this blog. That is, democracy, but I always saw procreation as a choice person l.

I wonder really as to why these Americans have wanted to personalize the debate over abortion rights. They say on their blog:
"Voting year IS Such integral part of American identity. We vote is everything. (...) Why not be voting whether to continue or abort actual year pregnancy? Can Help Your vote has real couple to make a decision after this one. "
is fine in theory. In practice cons, I find it somewhat confining. I end the suspense ... the vote (what a surprise!) voted that they keep the baby ... and so they keep it. What a great reason to have a child!

I am here to say that I find there is excellent reason to have children ... and very shabby aussi.Comment explain to his child when he will ask his parents: "Did you want, you want?" "Well, actually, not really, if people had voted differently, you would have been aborted." Wow!

Moreover, I even wonder if there would be no hidden agenda. Since this blog has been highly publicized in the United States, rather puritanical country and right, I wonder if this blog has not always been pro-life disguised as opinion polls, but with a bias? Who is going to check their votes counted correctly?

I started to ask me when they released the results of the vote and began to denounce the "fraudulent votes" by saying that 99.2% of them were from people who were in favor of abortion. Vlan and in the teeth!

Good ... it looks like I get one of those followers of conspiracies, but n'empêque I can not help but think it may be that there is much more behind this than just a couple blog a bit dumb. ;

And you, what say you? Did you know this blog? And what do you think of the concept of asking people whether we should keep the baby or abort?


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