Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wholesale Buffalo Wings

Isabelle Tilmant book: These women have no children. New books

The second book which I'll talk Vour is a writer and woman I love: Isabelle Tilmant. Released last September, the author tells me that These women have no children: The discovery of another fertility will be available in Quebec in mid-December in all good bookstores.
"This book opens with the nuanced understanding of the multiple experiences of these women. For some, having no child is experiencing felt like a bereavement, or impossible. For others however, recognize the legitimacy of the choice of non-motherhood is part of their quest for power. A desire or not the project or not becoming a mother depend foremost role models of the little girl, this will be the basis of his aspirations future and his own style of femininity.
When the grieving motherhood is unavoidable, it is important for women to open up to the discovery of another fertility, psychic, who will form the basis of a new development.
This book is designed for women and couples who are wondering about the place they wish or not to give parenthood, whether biological or adoptive. Many lines of inquiry will enable them to develop ideas more freely and more personal on this issue. "

Moreover, velveteen staff, BLOQ you are reading right now would even be mentioned among the sites which the author recommends a visit! :)

I look forward to reading it. And you, have you had the chance to browse? What did you think?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Green Green Uncensored Online


Although I lack the time and I have not yet had the pleasure of reading them, I wanted to talk about three recent books published recently childfree. I will therefore 3 tickets, reading in the coming days. (To be continued!)

The first of which I speak is an essay entitled Quebec No baby on board Gisele Palancz which is available at Archambault Renaud-Bray and (among other bookstores.)

"For millennia, have children went without saying. It was the fate of women inevitable. at 20 e century, with the dissemination of contraceptive methods and mass population pressures, such certainty been questioned. The West then realized with astonishment that the desire for children is not necessarily innate. The author paints a portrait, very well documented history of motherhood through the ages.
If the question is legitimate today, it is not always well received. Women who can not have children, childless are treated with compassion. Those who choose not to have the childfree Have some right to be treated as a pariah. Social influences to fit the mold of traditional motherhood remains enormous. The prejudices are tenacious, and defend his choice requires a good dose of courage. "

I have not had a chance to read, even if the author was kind enough to send me a copy so I can talk about it, but I promise you that once I have a minute to myself, I submerge myself in reading and you'll make a report.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Desert Eagle Gold Softar

Segment "childfree" in issuing the French anti-birth

Notice to my French friends, and also to the international (via the Internet) in two days, on 29 October, will be aired on French The Nursery subject childfree.

The show will air on France 5 to 9 pm (France) and available on their website for a week.

Not having obviously not seen it yet, I am unable to say if it is as positive as expected be, but I was interviewed by the journalist who seemed very nice.

You will give me some news!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blood Stool Lump Testicles

Nursery, Denatale, childfree, Malthusian .. what is the word to use? I

Last Wednesday, on the same page as the small snippet of my interview, Log Montreal Metro proposed a story: Strike belly to save the planet.

is the media, they have to be sensational to sell it, but I think the beginning of the article describing a Denatale madman who kills people too do not serve the "cause" if I may say so. We will all take us for madmen ...

That said, I want to specify that many childfree are not Denatale or antinatalist or even Malthusian. But just ... What is the difference?

In my view, a childfree person is someone who does not want a child for personal reasons. (This does not prevent him from power as being anti-birth Denatale or more.)

Well, to date, it's simple ... it gets harder from the other 3 terms. Two are synonymous and the third would be a bad translation?

In Quebec, less is known about Thomas Malthus in Europe. It was a British economist who advocated Denatale before its time, or in the early nineteenth century. That is to say Denatale.

Someone who advocates the population decline, which found that not only the planet suffers from an overflow of people, but it should do less by environmental concerns and economic. Several left-wing politicians in the world are beginning to demand Denatale.

Someone who devalues the contribution moral to have children and find that with less, we would solve many problems on this planet with hunger, overcrowding and declining natural resources. It's not just the same as Denatale that?

My interpretation is that the Malthusian Denatale advocate and a population decline for reasons economic or environmental ... and the term anti-birth would be a layer of English and meant the same as the previous two. But maybe I was wrong too ...

short, although I also think that too many of us on this planet, I do not cite this reason as that explains Why I do not want kids. For me, this is one reason satellite. True, that I say it loud and clear: I do not care just not. End of story.

I'm childfree and proud of it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Kind Of Hair Cut To Give A Mini Schnauzer?

research collaborations Casual

As I am a bit overwhelmed by my work on my film, I did not get to update my blog as often as I would.

is why I thought to look for casual employees. It has often happened in the past that readers leave me long and very interesting comments on previous posts. It might even be full of banknotes.
Then notice to those who want to communicate a story, a slice of life, anecdote, recrimination, or tell me about a news event, to social debate ... all subjects or related childfree are welcome!

Send me your submissions to: . They need not be very long, between 200 and 750 words. I reserve the right to modify a little for form and I will publish them under your name (unless you wish to remain anonymous.)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sheriff's Deed Is There Title Insurance

My uterus is it public?

What I do not understand, and maybe can you help me find the answer, so my fertility is to public interest?

Why does it want people to know if I plan to have an offspring? And more importantly, why are they trying to convince me that I am wrong not to blame?

How my uterus and all adjacent parts are they now talk about matters and to be judged? Our bowels should they not remain in the private sphere, being at heart the deepest level? Let us a little discomfort, please!

Personally, I do not care to know which breeds and when he intends to do so. If you want to have children and you do, more power to you. I am careful to ask your reasons. Why did not I receive the same treatment?

In a pinch, I, I'm quite open and militant for the cause of the right to respect for childfree, I may say so out loud as much about the Internet than in person. But not everyone feels comfortable discussing her hormones, desires, and fertility.

not forget that the eternal question: "Do you have children?" some would like, but can not. Should they be discussed in great length with the first comer? Perhaps, if they wish. But for some, the injury is serious. That you understand, being childless whereas we want is a serious misfortune. By

cons to say we do not want is to be seen as an outcast of society and so we must be justified, it goes without saying, of course ... And if you do not want to talk about us either, our reasons? No, we can not. We must educate. Be always available to explain calmly to the other that we exist, that we are not sick or frustrated or injured or defective ... We can not, we do a selfish act (to return to one of my previous posts ) and simply say: "It's none of your business."

Finally, if we may, but then there we are seen as old embittered and therefore it "deserves" this misunderstanding of our situation. Like what we are still far from the equity between people who want to have children and those who do not want.

Ralala ... Maybe I'm a little pessimistic in these autumn days ...